
Did you know our team has been supporting and enabling innovation in adolescent health since 2015?! As our experience and expertise grew, we created several avenues to build other teams’ capacity around innovation, community-based problem solving, and program development. We currently offer three tiers of training and support: 

  • Online trainings (as standalone)
  • Package Options:
    • Online trainings + a facilitated discussion tailored to your organization and work
    • Tailored face-to-face trainings (can be packaged with online trainings)

Online Trainings

We currently offer four online trainings that can be completed by individuals or organizations can register groups of people! 

Framework for Public Health Innovation

Learn about a unique structure to support innovation that will help you tackle your community’s complex challenges by: 1) questioning the status quo, 2) collaborating with your target population, and 3) identifying various influencing factors. Innovation is not about knowing or having all the answers, but being willing to turn uncertain conditions into growth opportunities. We’ve designed this training to help you understand conditions for generating new ideas and processes to embrace diverse perspectives.


  • Explore an approach for innovation.
  • Recognize the space needed to encourage innovation from diverse perspectives.
  • Identify the conditions for a culture of creativity and collaboration.
  • Increase your confidence in innovation.

To learn more about this framework and how it was developed, check out this open access, peer-reviewed article!  

Systems Thinking

Systems thinking is a way to understand complex problems and things that influence them. Rather than looking at specific parts, systems thinkers look at the bigger picture and see how different parts within a system affect one another. Learn about the systems thinking mindset, and tools to better understand how and why systems problems occur and what you can do about them.


  • Define a system 
  • Identify systems’ properties
  • Define systems thinking
  • Understand system model uses

Equity in Innovation

When diversity, equity, and inclusion are made a priority by an organization, every aspect — including your bottom line — can benefit. This training will help you understand and apply equity principles to your innovation efforts and hopefully apply them to additional situations, as well. The concepts and ideas in this training will help you think of ways to serve and partner with your priority populations equitably. 


  • Differentiate between equity, equality, and justice
  • Recognize identities and how they shape our experiences
  • Frame language to convey respect for individuals
  • Identify the importance of a justice lens

Human-Centered Design

Human-centered design (HCD) is a practical, creative, and fast-paced process for solving problems with the person or client you are serving to truly meet their needs. It is a cyclical process that involves a variety of strategies to 1) develop a deep understanding of the person and core problems to address, and 2) brainstorm, develop, test, and refine possible solutions. 


  • Learn the mindsets and methods of HCD
  • Gather insight to develop a deep understanding
  • Generate ideas and explore potential solutions 
  • Iterate ideas to enhance prototypes

Interested in several of these trainings? Click here to register for all 4 trainings at a discounted price of $400! 

If you are interested in our trainings but cost is a concern, please contact us to discuss scholarship and reduced-cost options!


For more information, contact: 

Christi Esquivel | Project Director